Here's a quick post about where we are!
Right now we are working on our visual.  We have an idea of what we want to do, we just have to get it done.  We are using our class time to hopefully finish up our visual so we can work on our Project Assessment Essay!
For our Advocacy Project we decided that it would be easier to just meet the week before spring break during our regular class time and work. During these meetings we divided the work up evenly and started our research together. For our annoted bibliography we each found 2 sources and checked with each other to make sure they were okay. For our design plan we found that making one word document with the different components on it and each doing 2 parts and then emailing it back to me was the easiest way to share our work.
I am excited to continue with this project and see what the outcome is because our group work is working well!
Our first meeting!  We met up in the computer lab to work together on finding our sources for our annotated bibliography.  So far so good! We will check in soon!

    Erica Nelms
    Gianna Canal
    Kelsey Skinner

    All three of us are Early Childhood Education Majors from Rowan University.  Our goal with this is to show how important preschool is to children.


    April 2013
    March 2013

